SLEEP! SLEEP! SLEEP! The Better Your Snooze, The More You Lose

Short on sleep ? Oh you poor soul! While all the hours you stay awake, your body gets to cook up the perfect recipe for intimidating weight gain. Tried everything besides natural sleep aids? Unknowingly, you have only increased the ingredients of shooting the weight even up, says the ‘The Science of Sleep.’

Usual process of slimming down follows the steps:

ü  Tossing out calorie-rich food
ü  Taking out the running shoes
ü  Taking gym membership
Agree? Sadly, most of us don’t realize that a good night’s sleep deserves a place if not at the top of the list then definitely near it. Though sleep isn’t any quick trick’ however, clocking a peaceful night’s sleep is the chief ingredient of an effective weight loss plan.

Sleep & Weight Are Inter-Connected
ü  Matthew Walker, professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley, says that, “Getting a full night of sleep is one of the most under-appreciated factors contributing to healthy weight maintenance.”
ü  Surveys have shown that sleeping less than six hours leads to imbalance of energy and significant weight gain. Also, it increases the urge to eat high-calorie food.
ü  According to a study on women, sleep-deprived females consumed 400 more calories per day as compared to women sleeping enough during the course of four nights.
ü  A study conducted on men showed that those who slept only four hours ate 600 more calories the next day. Besides, they ate 30% more fat at dinner than men who slept for eight hours.

Take a look at 5 reasons and you will discover how optimizing your sleep schedule decreases that growing numbers on the weight scale.

1. Reduces Craving To Eat Unhealthy

Asking for salad over a pizza takes immense will power. As per the researches, amount of sleep clocked, makes or breaks this hard yet wise decision.
Matthew Walker and his team conducted sleep-related tests on 23 non-obese and perfectly healthy men and women. While these people got eight hours of sleep in the first experiment, they were sleep-deprived during the second experiment. Next day, they were placed in a brain scanner and were asked to rate the desire levels of certain foods. When slept for eight hours, everyone chose healthier foods. However, they craved junk food (600 more calories) when sleep-deprived.

This shows that sleeping full night reboots as well as refreshes circuits of human brain and helps to make right food choices, which helps to loose weight.

2. Keeps Full For Long

Sound sleep keeps away from reaching for eatables like chocolate cakes and chips. Also, it restricts the hunger pangs just like some natural weight loss supplements.

Study done on 1,024 volunteers proved that individuals when don’t sleep enough, had unbalanced hormones. Leptin, hormone responsible for the feeling of full, reduced and ghrelin, appetite-inducing hormone increased. Researches believe that sleep keeps hunger hormones organized to ensure one feels hungry only when they should.

3. Assists In Sticking To Diet

Charles Elder, a researcher at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, hired 472 obese individuals in a weight-loss program, in 2012. Elder and his colleagues examined factors such as stress, sleep and depression.

People sleeping for six to eight hours performed better as compared to those who slept either less than six hours or more than eight hours. Individuals with low stress and sleeping for six to eight hours were successful twice than those who had baseline stress and sleeping too much or too little.

4.  Burns Calories

Sleep is the state when one burns around 50-100 calories an hour. In the words of Matthew Walker, “When you dream, your brain can be as—if not more—active than when you’re awake.”

Experts have found that appropriate sleep promotes healthy metabolism. A 2012 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that when a confined group of men and women slept for just four hours, their bodies became more insulin-resistant, which isn’t a good thing in terms of possibility to develop obesity and diabetes.

5. Sleeping In Cooler Atmosphere Cuts Fat

It has been proved by researches that sleeping in cooler temperatures stimulates brown fat, which burn calories and improves insulin sensitivity.

As per a study on 2014, a group of active and healthy men slept in a 66° room for a month. After a month, there was 42% increase in their brown fat. What’s even impressive was 10% increase in metabolic fat activity.

Though the idea seems easy, it’s no cakewalk in real. Researchers suspect that shivering is among the main drivers of the effect; hence, one has to feel the chill and let the blanket rest in the cupboard.

And It’s A Wrap

Sleeping without behavioral changes doesn’t help shed the target weight. But as weight-loss plans are not that friendly, adhering to enough sleep isn’t any harm. Got motivation to sleep? Make some space for it then and dump those plus size clothes.

Last but not the least, find the best weightloss supplement to achieve results sooner.

Warning: Follow the given instructions on the supplement bottle.
